
Calm Down.. Take the Time To DeStress

Pegine Quote:

“It takes more than love to create a supportive, loving relationship. It takes self-improvement, humor, thick skin, honest communication and knowing that you must go within to find your true love.”

~Pegine Echevarria, MSW ~

“Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that’s where I renew my springs that never dry up.”

~Pearl S. Buck~


When you are feeling stressed - take a time out. Go sit in a quiet chair or if you are in desperate times go to the bathroom and lock the door. Put your hand on your heart and concentrate on the beating of your heart. When you feel the rhythm of your heart quietly say to yourself (following the beat) “All is well I am loved. All is well I’m alive.” You will be calmed and centered.


The stories and historical perspectives of the African-American experience are told in a manner that is uplifting, inspiring and life changing. I’ve had mine for years and have been touched, moved and motivated to be a better and different person. I hope you will share the inspiration. It is also a wonderful gift for teenagers.

PS for those of you who don’t know me I am not African-American AND I have learned a great deal about me from this book.

Kick butt actions:

Here are three actions that you can take on a daily basis that will renew your spirit and calm your soul.

1 - Every morning take ½ hour for yourself. Be up before everyone else or wait for the kids to leave for school or take time during the early mid morning. During that half hour go through this life saving ritual.
  • a.Write in your moan-groan-gee-I-learned-something-about-myself journal. Mine is not a fancy book. It is a beat up composition book. It is here that you write about the disagreement you had with your husband, your fears about your business and your overall thoughts.
  • b.Read two motivational daily meditation books. Make sure they have daily quotes or insights you want to learn about (I often use the above mentioned book).
  • c.Read two pages from a self-help book dealing with a specific issue that you want to have personal growth on.
  • d.Ask your Higher Power/God/ The Universe to guide you in the day to show you where you can serve others and how you can improve yourself to be on purpose.

2 - During the day speak to a minimum of two people who support, love and want you to succeed. For me one is always my husband and the other is my buddy (a friend I met 5 years ago). My friend and I made an agreement to kick each other in the butt and keep us focused on our personal growth and the growth of our business. Share your plans and commit to making them happen. It’s great, it’s a pain and it works.

3 - Plan your work and work your plan and during the day. Take a moment to remind yourself that you are not made to do everything. You are human and striving. Closing your eyes and touching your heart keeps you close to yourself.

I hope these help you achieve the balance, love and centering that we all need to be successful. Have a great month!

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