
Get Rich! Study The Science of Getting Rich

I study the book -"The Science of Getting Rich" (link to a free download on my site).  For seven years I've been in a study group. The group has evolved. Some people leave, others join me.  On my own I break down each chapter into six segments to study and immerse myself deeply in each segment each day. The book and study has taught me so much. I posted this statement on a professional development Facebook group for professional speakers sponsored by the National Speakers Association.

My friend, Jeffery Scott (who works with landscape, lawn or tree contractors who want to transform and profitably grow their businesses) asked me one of his famous questions: "Can you share a specific change or decision you made based on this book?"

I thought about that and decided to write a blog answering his question while addressing two key areas: What change and or decisions have I made based on the lessons learned through the study and the outcomes and benefits of those decisions.

Change and or decisions have I made based on the lessons learned

1. Changed my belief system to believe that being rich is good and worthy. Which lead to me to
  • -a Increase my fees
  • -b Let go of little or no profit activities 
  • -c Embrace my ambitions to build a multimillion dollar company 
  • -d Understand that wealth is inspiring to others and that is my responsibility to inspire others by telling them that being rich is good and worthy. 

 2. That the name of the game isn't competition but creation. Creating solutions to people's problems.
  • -a I stopped comparing myself to others. What they did was their business, what I did was mine.
    -b I totally re-changed my focus to finding solutions to the problems others were having. Not offering what I thought they needed - HUGE difference.
    -c I just don't play in the competition field. I want EVERYONE to be rich and prosperous. I want everyone to make more and do more. I'm happier. 

 3. Thinking BIG expands your thoughts and opportunities.
  • -a I spend a lot of my day in thought. Thinking expansion, thinking prosperity, thinking powerful creative thoughts. I think confidence. And when I falter... (I'm human) I actually carry around a book with the handwritten thoughts that I want to think. I am responsible for what I put into my brain. I learned that too! 
  • -b I plan on BIG. I ask my staff to plan. That means that I run my financials from the perspective of a 100 million dollar company. What do I need to know? What metrics do I need to look at? What books and people do I need to know and meet with? 
  • -c When I say I plan big I do structure my team meetings to plan for the bigness. We have scalable, strategic, systems meetings that look at: What do we need to do in order to have the capacity to handle massive growth. 

4. I focus daily on gratitude and prosperity
  • -a It is the little things, the free things that really impact the prosperous magnet. The love I have for my husband, my children, my parents, my friends, neighbors and country and world. The health I experience, the mind I have. I'm grateful for it all. I learned not to just say that - but really write it down, notice it and be totally grateful for everything. 
  • -b Everything is for my good. Tough times make me stronger. Challenges force me to look for solutions. Sadness makes me appreciate joy. I honor that all is good for me. 

5. Faith in the goodness of the universe and the tenacity, persistence and confidence to keep on keeping on.
  • a- I am truly Captain of my ship. Come into my office and you will see a Pirate Ship, my staff have pirate hats. I steal people's limitations so they lead powerfully. I know where I am going, I am specific. I am targeted. I am focused. Come into my office and you will see my plan on the wall. Anyone that is on my team (including my suppliers) know where I am going. If you don't believe, you are not on my team. I am Captain of my mind. I am vigilant. I keep myself focused, it has become who I am. 
  • b- I am absolutely confident that my ship will go around, through, under, or over any and all obstacles. They are never going to stop me from my vision and mission. It is who I am. 
  • c-I know that people are good. I know there is prosperity for all. It is how I see the world. I don't hang around negative, fearful, 'reality' based people. I see the world becoming better and stronger. Not my problem if you don't see the world that way. Been there, done that.. it was crap... my world, today, is better. 

 6. I chose to accept that God is my source and supply.

  •  a- I didn't choose a 'particular' God. I just chose to believe that God is my source and supply. Best decision I ever made.  

Outcomes and rewards of those decisions

1. Tripled my income the first year.

2. In the seventh year compared to year one increased my personal salary by 3,900%. Yes you read that right. In a recession! Not including profits or investments.

3. I'm more interested in learning about others needs. I ask questions in sincere interest of seeking to understand. I go back and then seek to solve their issues so they win (and I win in the end too!)

4. I'm happy.

5. I was able to manage a 1.7 million deal that closed in one week with a delivery schedule one week later that consisted of hiring 1,000 people working, with all branches of the military, Homeland Security and the White House. I truly believed that "Impossible is Possible" it was and is. I got paid on time and met all financial obligations within 15 days with NO DEBT incurred.

6. I was able to honor Veterans in two ways - with a major event and through a documentary. Priceless.

7. I am able to pay for my parents Assisted Living fees.

8. I am able to sleep at night knowing they are safe and sound.

9. I am able to pay for my daughters wedding without any debt.

10. I was able to hire six new staff people. Providing them with jobs that enable them to sleep well and take care of their family.

11. I am able to donate to charities that I believe in with all of my heart and soul and give because I want to.

12. I continually surpass my goals. I know that the only thing that will stop me is me.

13. I always attract the support, people, and services I need at the perfect moment. I trust that everything I need is already here.

14.I have fun. I receive and I'm so freakin happy. I like making money. I like sleeping well. I like feeling close to the universe. I like being me. I like this God I'm hanging out with, its cool.

So Jeff, and everyone reading this post. This is why I continue to study this book. This is why I do what I do. Love it.

1 comment:

Jeffrey Scott said...

Niiiiice !